Saturday, November 5, 2011

Day 6

If you missed my introduction explaining the purpose of this blog, please read it here.
Don't forget to set your clocks back tonight! I already have. Extra sleep is always appreciated in our home. Today I played Castlevania with Cameron and drank beers. Then I came home and ate a delicious dinner that my wife had prepared. It was so nice. I really had no to-do list today, but Paige and I finished our meal plan for the week and bought all of our groceries. So I'm considering that as my to-do list.

  • Make a meal plan
  • Grocery shop
  • Game with Cam and relax for a few hours.
Done and done!

I've mentioned inositol already. According to the Wikipedia article (cited below), there are a number of interesting applications for supplementation.

In a single double-blind study on 13 patients, Myo-inositol (18 grams daily) has been found to reduce the symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) significantly, with effectiveness equal to SSRIs and virtually without side-effects.[22] In a double-blind, controlled trial, myo-inositol (18 grams daily) was superior to fluvoxamine for decreasing the number of panic attacks and other side-effects

There are some resources that suggest taking 18 grams of inositol powder in three doses of 6000mg daily. This is the maximum dosage that is recommended, yet there is no upper limit that has been observed by any studies. Of course, it is a dose that must be worked up to to observe the effects. I started with 3 grams daily and increased each dose by a gram every few days. I made it to the 18g daily dose, and observed no adverse side effects other than some slight intestinal upset. Since I buy an 8 oz jar of the stuff (227g), at the high dose, I would go through the entire jar in about 16 days. I didn't want to have to buy this much, so I decreased to one 6g scoop in my water bottle daily. It took about two months to really see a big difference, but a difference I did see.

I am less irritable, I am calmer and generally not tense all the time like I used to be. I feel a bit more focused, but I think that is because of the relief in tension. I'm not running in the red, as it were. Two other major differences are the decrease in panic and compulsive behavior. I don't bite my nails anymore. Also, I didn't freak out and cower in fear when the weather turned ugly last spring. I have a debilitating dread that occurs when severe weather happens in the spring, and boy does it happen in Colorado. Well, it was so freeing to hear the hail start on the roof and to actually be able to walk outside and watch a thunderstorm. I couldn't do that the spring before last. So it's very clear to me that the supplements are doing their job. I think of it as a new lease on a life that was filled with anxiety and fear.

So do some research and find out if inositol is something that could help you. I was sure to find supplements that have no documented side-effects. I will talk about some more next time. I've tried several and I think I found a good mix of vitamins and mineral supplements that work for me.


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